Bora bora audiophony

Need musical company on the beach, in the park or on your patio? The Bora Bora Bluetooth speaker from Audiophony takes care of it for you. Thanks to its 360-degree speaker, the Bora Bora is usable in a variety of conditions and delivers a nicely dispersed sound. The Bora Bora features four 5 W 2-inch speakers and one 40 W 5-inch speaker that together have a frequency range of 60 Hz to 15 kHz. The Audiophony speaker uses NFC technology to facilitate pairing and is usable via an AUX input in addition to via Bluetooth. The Bora Bora weighs 2.9 Kg and has a diameter of 195 x 370 mm.

recommended retail price €299 now for €175


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